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Old March 21, 2013   #3
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You didn't start too soon, John- they'll be good sized plants by Memorial Day, though. When I lived in northern Jersey that was the traditional plant out day. The first potting up usually is at about 2 weeks for me- when the seedlings have at one or two sets of true leaves and are getting root bound in the cells. The smallest cells I've used are 72 cell trays, though, and I don't usually plant more than 5 seeds/cell. Usually I pot up twice because I don't have much room under lights with all the seedlings I start and the plants end up in 16 oz. cups. The plants have been up to 18" tall or so and still happy in this size container.

Be sure to get them under lights as soon as they break through the soil and keep them within a couple inches if you're using fluorescents. Some of mine take 2 weeks or more to emerge, so don't give up too soon. Wishing you better luck this year.

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