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Old March 18, 2013   #87
Join Date: May 2012
Location: NW Indiana
Posts: 355

I will have to dig back into some threads, but it was a discussion about what type of molasses to use and Brer Rabbit Blackstrap Molasses the winner, because not all molasses's are created equal. Its a unsulfured molasses with all natural ingredients. The iron in the molasses 4% isn't added its a byproduct of the process. Some of the other brands add +iron to their mixes on top of what comes naturally from the process, and in looking further into their mixes they added several non natural additives. I also remember a conversation about buying molasses from feed stores because of how cheap it is, but that came with a caveat. Molasses from feed stores sell it as a additive for live stock food and its not pure molasses it has additives put into it for live stocks health.
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