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Old March 14, 2013   #28
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: MN Zone4b
Posts: 291

Greyghost, I got sucked in by the Can Can Harlequin Burgundy (not even my usual color palette, but I had to have it), Dolcissima Flambe, and Ultra Blue Star at Swallowtail after signing up for the Blue Daddy and the Sophisticas Blue Morn, Blackberry, and Lime Bicolor at HPS. Then I discovered that I had cleverly ordered some Avalanche Blue Star, Flambe Salmon, and Prism Pale Burgundy Vein in a sale last spring and totally forgotten about it. Well, they look lovely in pots and they certainly help to disguise the front-yard tomatoes, so it seems right to plant them.

I liked petunias as a kid, but then avoided them for years because I thought they were so overused. I don't mass mine, but I've come to really admire them for their intense colors and willingness to keep blooming and their hardiness in the fall--some kept going when it was getting down into the 20s last fall. And the lovely scent of some like Blue Daddy is purely a bonus. Besides, the bees like them--what can I do?
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