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Old March 13, 2013   #10
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I have found through trial and error that the alfalfa pellets need a bit more time in the ground than cottonseed meal before planting. I usually put them in anywhere from 2 weeks to a month early and make sure that they get watered a couple of times. I have planted the same day as I added the cottonseed meal and alfalfa pellets but if you do that you better give the plants a good full strength dose of the Miracle Grow formula that is high in nitrogen or your plants will have some yellowing for a few days. Cottonseed meal breaks down far faster than alfalfa pellets so it doesn't need as much wait time before planting and earthworms just love it. Adding cottonseed meal to your soil is like ringing the diner bell for earthworms.

They can both be added to mature plants as a top dressing if scratched into the soil and watered well with no harmful effects unless you add a huge amount at once. They both release their nutrients slowly so don't expect instant results. If you want to top dress organically and have very rapid results use some chicken manure or blood meal. When top dressing I like to add a bit of both cottonseed meal and chicken manure at the same time.
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