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Old November 4, 2006   #4
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Northeast Georgia, USA
Posts: 348

Jay, i'd answer you this way...many a green tomato has fallen to the ground, and then, later on, down thru time...the place it fell an rotted at, came up w/a cluster of seedlings.

So i wouldnt worry about whether they are viable, or not. My thinkin is they are absolutely viable.

Two other thoughts...

Feldon is tellin ya beware of the possible hybrid cultivar you originally planted, as to the likelihood that it's offspring will not be True to the original. Theres only one know, an thats by growin it back out. I have a grape seed, i saved 3 years ago, from a store-bought grape basket. It's my belief, that most cherry/grape tomatoes Will grow true, from seed, even when they are hybrids. Why do i believe that ?....jus from good successes. Who knows, really ? Maybe its because this is the basic form of a tomato, that is found growing wild, an therefore, stable, even when hybridized. I dont know anything for sure,, but i believe this...the smaller the tomato is, the closer it is, to it's original form, genetics. And the grape seed i plant, come true every time, even tho i know it was a hybrid plant that produced that good-tastin pint container i originally it from, at a Ingles Grocery store...))) I got a Tami G hybrid seed, im savin hopefully re-inforce this line of thinkin. the 8-14 ounce category...a Bucks County Hybrid seed, that i simply MUST learn more about, by growin it out, from seed.

2nd thought, if you simply are wonderin if the seeds are viable, thats pretty easy to determine. Simply go ahead an ferment em, dry em, then plant you a few indoors, an see if they come up. The whole effort wont take more than 30-35 days.

An...if ya want me to try a few an let ya

like the Song said...."Yes, the Door is always open, an the light's on in the Hall", jus havin some fun. Send em to me, i'll tell ya, thru time, about the viability, an Results...)))
....Can you tell a green Field.....from a cold steel rail ?
Roger Waters, David Gilmour
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