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Old February 27, 2013   #76
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Location: Ithaca, NY - USDA 5b
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Actually the Par curve from that Post is one I created based on Chlorophylla, Chlorophyllb, and Cartenoids. The one used for the CFL comparison is Phillips Lighting's interpretation of PAR Curve that they sent me when I was having a disagreement with the engineer over specs. This is the actual curve that relates to the what we think of as PAR. Usually the curve is averaged and doesn't show all the bumps and spikes. Sorry the CFL overlay is not actually correct relative to the actual PAR curve. As far as Green Light, the plants use very little of it, and the reason you see green is that it is reflected instead of absorbed.

And Colin... very good info, you seem to be very up on optics. I see you're from Oklahoma. I designed and sold a bunch of coupon dispensing kiosks with 3D Real-Image floating advertisements. They installed them in Groceries all over Oklahoma. I guess the guys made more money scamming their investors and creditors than selling ads.

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day - Teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime.
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