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Old February 22, 2013   #93
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Originally Posted by emcd124 View Post
@Doug: Facepalm! I have been lamenting the work it will take to get good circles out of the flat sheets and totally overlooking the obvious solution: SQUARE! I love your idea of ones that will build and store easily (as will my darling husband). Thank you for the idea!!

@Masbustelo: Based on your suggestion I called around to concrete contractor supply places and found one that is both better sized and cheaper than the home depot. Woot!

They sell 6"x6" squares in 10 gauge that are 8' x 15' sheets for $14.40. So I figure with 8x15: if I did Doug's squares, I could cut in half the long way and do two 7.5 tall ones and just bend them into 2" sides square. Or for rounds could make 3 rounds with 5' circumference and 19" diameter that were 8' tall.

So here's the follow up question. I have heard from reading on here that some tomato types or varieties are more "spindly" not as bushy and dont require as big a diameter (like oxhearts). Are those varieties still going to grow 8 feet tall but skinny that I need a cage 8' x 19" diameter? or should I make the skinny cages shorter? Because they also sell 5' x 10' sheets ($6), so I could do two 5' tall cages that would be 19" diameter for $3 a piece if I dont need the height on the spindly varieties.
I have many sizes of cages(about 75) and 95% of the tomatoes would be fine in the 5' x 18.XXX" cages. In fact most are probably better supported by the smaller cages.
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