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Old February 7, 2013   #1
feldon30's Avatar
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Rock Hill, SC
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Default No SETTFest for 2013 -- Other Events?

It is with a feeling of melancholy that I must report there will not be an official SETTFest (South East Texas Tomato Festival) event this year.

Suze is taking a break from gardening, I am between gardens due to travel, and Bob has a number of other activities that are competing for his time.

When I joined this site, there was already a substantial gardener base from Texas. In the intervening years, I've seen a huge growth in that population. I have no doubt that there are individuals out there who are organized and determined and able to put on an event like this. Texas is a big place and maybe it's time for there to be two or three regional events -- Houston/Beaumont/Corpus and San Antonio/Austin/Dallas. It's always been challenging to pick a single place that is convenient for everyone.

I am happy to help in any way I can with planning suggestions, a list of items to bring, help on selecting and booking a location, and how to handle communications before and during the event. It's the first week of February so there should be plenty of time to get an event going. All those years ago when Suze and I started SETTFest, we literally picked a date on the calendar, reserved the park pavilion, and brought baskets of tomatoes and just rolled with the punches.

Kindest Regards,

[SIZE="3"]I've relaunched my gardening website -- [B][/B][/SIZE] *

[I][SIZE="1"]*I'm not allowed to post weblinks so you'll have to copy-paste it manually.[/SIZE][/I]
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