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Old February 2, 2013   #3
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But before you panic. Why do you feel it hasn't decomposed enough? It doesn't have to be completely decomposed.

Good point, I guess it can continue to decompose while the tomatoes grow this spring. The only thing is, those daggum pine needles seem to be pretty acidic till they break down.

I do have about 100 gallons left of good fluffy peat/compost I scraped off the bottom of the lake last year. I could use a few gallons around each tomato transplant and give the roots a few more weeks until they grow into the pine needle compost.

There is a lot of dried earthworm casts in with the bed already. Hopefully the 10-10-10 I used didnt kill off any good bacteria in there.

Last edited by Stvrob; February 2, 2013 at 10:04 AM.
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