Thread: Recommendations
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Old October 23, 2006   #5
gardengalrn's Avatar
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Kansas, zone 5
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Landarc, see, I want to know how to "harden" them off too! You have to cure sweet potatoes and other veggies, wouldn't you have to cure a potato for storage? I would bet that your old uncle knew what he was talking about.

Worth, I too like lumpy potatoes but no skins. I had hesitated to say that I liked dry potatoes, not sure of proper potato ettiquette (sp?) I mean, is saying I like a dry potato like saying I like a dry, mealy tomato?? But I figured that is what I like and there can't be much wrong with that.

My MIL uses a hand mixer to fix her mashed potatoes and they are creamy and almost pourable. Ick. I eat them with a smile because there isn't a potato that I've met that I don't like, and after all, it is the MIL. I hand mash mine and enjoy a firmer texture with a lump or two. Not big lumps or hard spots, just a little tad of lumpiness. I feel that if someone at the table wishes a different texture, add butter and mash it with your fork.
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