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Old December 25, 2012   #8
Doug9345's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Durhamville,NY
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For me last year was a very mixed bag for growing tomatoes. I got a hold of land working equipment later than I needed to and got my garden plowed later than I should have. When It was the time to transplant the tomatoes I stepped on a nail and was very limited on what I could do and had friends help me plant. The summer then turned out to be the hottest and driest one I ever remember. I didn't irrigate my tomatoes because I wanted them to grow as good a root system as they could. I'm on a well and wasn't sure how much water I could use off it. I do have a pond out back, but I didn't want to build an irrigation system.

The tomatoes grew slowly and set fruit. then we got some rain, then more heat and dryness and then more rain. This caused a lot of my tomatoes to crack and it also caused the weeds to grow rampantly. I was also depending an a map to know where what was. That didn't work out so With weeds and sprawling tomatoes it was hard to tell exactly where you where.

To answer your question about sweet other color tomatoes. For cherries I liked Coyote, a yellow cherry, Black Cherry, and Yellow Currant which of course is a currant and not a cherry.

Taxi, a yellow determinant, seemed to be fairly crack resistant. My hearts didn't crack. The weird thing was that my non reds did better than my red tomatoes. I don't know why. My first guess would be differences from one place to another in the garden.

The other varieties I planted I have hard time evaluating because there were to many influences that were unusual.
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