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Old December 14, 2012   #117
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Plantation, Florida zone 10
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Originally Posted by kilroyscarnival View Post
I should have at least some tomatoes in March I think. I planted some in ground but the container plants I can haul indoors.
Ann, What a gorgeous cat in the avatar!
I am glad to see there is starting to be pretty good interest. So far as a group we are south, and sort of west Fla. ,we will see if any of the centrals want to go. After the holidays things will calm down and we can get a good consensus.

Cheryl, thanks for the info, good stuff for how to keep your plants from freezing. I am just delighted to know the plants we donated are healthy and doing well.
My first casualty was Monday when I had to pull a brandywine yellow due to Spotted wilt virus. Then on Wed, a Carbon copy for the same reason. All the rest look good for now. Sprayed today with 1&1/2 aspirin tablets mixed with 1Tbsp molasses and 1 Tbsp Organic dish soap, all mixed in 2 gallons water. Hoping to boost their immune systems.
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