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Old December 4, 2012   #19
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Okay, so I broke down when I visited HD last week and saw a big, lush gardenia on sale for $7. This, after I finally laid to rest another big, formerly lush plant that lived for 3 long years and produced a total of 5 flowers. That was my fifth attempt at growing this diva of the plant kingdom. I did exactly what others had done--fed it iron when the leaves yellowed, overwatered, underwatered, exactlywatered, protected it from sun, shade, cold, heat. I put the planter on coasters so that I could move it around in an attempt to appease it. After it died, I bought a smaller plant, that started to die as soon as it saw my yard. No more, I swore after that. Now this. I plan on acting casual around it, throwing it an occasional glance to see if it's still alive. So far, so good. But if this one goes...really, I'm done with them.
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