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Old November 13, 2012   #108
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: American Fork, Utah
Posts: 160

Thanks for the encouragement and great info. Heather!

I just checked his new website again. Now he has 5 pictures that he could have only lifted from my website - actually only 4! If I were not so upset, I would be laughing - he used the exact same picture (one of mine) to depict two very different varieties. As if no one would notice.

And he lifted pictures from Tatiana's TOMATObase, including the big Rebecca Sebastian's Bull Bag shown here: I recognize at least two pics from TomatoFest, and I swear I've seen most of the others somewhere.

Yes, someone send this guy a camera for Christmas!

Looks like his business, Duncan Greenhouse & Seed, is now on Facebook.

oooh, now I'm really ticked off! He's got my favorite pic from 2009 listed in his public Photobucket album!

Don't know how long it will be there, as I just sent him a strongly worded feedback comment!

Oh yeah - I just remembered, I use that sloppy little sign as a bookmark and I still have the old scales! Just cuz I can, here's a pic I just took. Different tomato though (picked green five days ago due to pending hard freeze), and I use much more accurate digital scales these days.

So what do you think? If this guy likes my pictures so much, why doesn't he just post a hyperlink!?
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