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Old November 10, 2012   #8
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Originally Posted by Redbaron View Post
Have you seriously tried marigolds a couple years? I know you know how to add organic matter. I bet you have great soil. But have you ever tried a serious companion planting campaign? I don't mean planting a marigold on the corners and hoping they magically cure the whole garden. I mean interplanting a variety of species all through the garden to the degree that at times some people may wonder what is the real crop and what are the companions? Each adding to it's neighbor to the point they all grow like a jungle? I generally try marigolds basil and cilantro with tomatoes. (sometimes rosemary too but never rosemary with basil) I also have a few things like Borage I grow throughout the garden in all the crops. But I space the flowers and herbs very very closely. 10 inches or less. Lets face it. Generally lack of sun isn't the problem in Florida, not even in winter. Tomatoes generally eventually out pace the rest anyway.

I have grown in sandy Florida "soil" and while it is impossible to totally eliminate pests there, actuallly there is a very good reason the Spanish named it "the land of flowers". Given the right ecouragement you can generally grow wonderous crops there.
I grow Dwarf French Marigold every year because I love the
flower. If I plant these all over around my tomatoes. I think
the tomatoes would cover them all up, and they wouldn't get
enough sun, but I'm going to try it anyway.
If anyone wants some seeds, I have a whole bunch.

Last edited by roper2008; November 10, 2012 at 06:12 PM. Reason: Pic
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