Thread: "Big Mystery"
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Old October 23, 2012   #4
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Thank you Carolyn, I know it's a long shot with so many varieties. It may well be that he bred it himself or it was a "family" tomato as it certainly seems to be well adapted to our northern area and I will see what else I can find out around here. I am pretty sure the skin is clear. very thin and quite transparent when you blanch and peel these for cooking. I'm just an enthusiastic home gardener, not a breeder or any sort of tomato expert but I certiainly know that you are and I admire your knowlege! I have read your book (it's in the library here) but I'm going to look for it and buy it so I can have my own copy. I'm a fan and I am actually rather amazed that you would take the time to answer some amateur Canadian's questions.
Thanks again sincerely,
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