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Old October 23, 2012   #85
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Originally Posted by FILMNET View Post
That a great post Worth, every time i look at her website the shots are so terrible, I am a pro so maybe i should tell her i can help her with new or old files. I would need the original files to get the background out.
That's a very good point FILMNET. As I went through this thread something struck me. This is a tomato grower. She is one of us. Maybe misguided. Maybe not educated in the ethics of the industry. Maybe taking poor advise from others. But in the end she is a tomato grower with a sense of humor.

It seems to me that instead of being angry and critical, those who are better educated in these subjects might do better offering genuine friendship and genuine help? I mean the old saying goes, "You attract more bees with sugar than vinegar." And every gardener knows that trying to force a bee to pollinate a flower in your garden is likely to get you stung. But even if not stung, you'll end up driving the bee away. That doesn't help either the bee or the gardener. But plant flowers and the bees will come on their own, on their own schedule.

It seems to me that if the people angrily trying to force her to conform to a set of standards (you know who you are) were to plant a flower instead, you never know what changes might happen. Women generally love flowers! I am continually amazed what you can get a woman to do by simply giving them a flower!

For example, if you see a photo that is "stolen", and grow the variety yourself, then take a better picture and offer it freely.

Just a crazy idea I had.

AKA The Redbaron

"Permaculture is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature; of protracted & thoughtful observation rather than protracted & thoughtless labour; & of looking at plants & animals in all their functions, rather than treating any area as a single-product system."
Bill Mollison
co-founder of permaculture
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