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Old September 29, 2012   #39
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: in the gutter, with my mouth
Posts: 123

Originally Posted by poypoyking View Post
I know that at Marianna's all seeds are fresh and none are over 2 years old. Also, when growing that many tomatoes sometimes an off one may occur (we are all guilty of this). It does say right on her page money back if not satisfied and to allow 4-6 weeks for delivery in the off season. This past spring I ordered Dixie Wine, Cherokee Green, Moldovan Green, and Everett's Rusty Oxheart from Marianna's. Granted it was only 4 varieties but everything came up true to type. Dixie Wine and Cherokee Green made it on to my must grow list. Give her a little time, she will make it right.
I was coming in here to say that same thing almost word for word. I am in contact with Mariseeds. I can gurantee her seeds are fresh and as Poypoy said less that two years old. We are in the off season and she has been very busy, you wouldn't belive the amount of seeding that is going on. Yes, seeding which means fresh seed. There will be some very cool new variety's and new twist to the site as well.

If anyone is having problems still you can PM me and I will personally see to it that is get's resolved one way or another.

As far as removing Marianna's site from your seed vendors list, that is a bad move. I understand you have a beef with a certain indvidual she is working with. But keep that beef with him, you are harming the business of someone to get back at someone else. To be quite honest business picked up considerably after this thread surfaced. Lets move forward not backwards, that gets you nowhere. It will only hurt the tomato world and what is possible if we are seperate. Just think of what we could do if we put all this behind us an joined togther as one.

You can ban me now since I am in cohorts with the enemy or we can move on and I can be one of the best contributors on this forum.

Thanks for you time

God Bless

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