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Old September 13, 2012   #5
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Plantation, Florida zone 10
Posts: 9,283

Whiteflies are my nemesis. i hate them, and my neighborhood has such a bad infestation that you can see the spirals on bananas, palms have whitefly "snowflakes" just flying and falling from them, they are on ficus, and a certain kind of oak tree etc and so on and so on...

Rockporter, I am very interested in your homemade formula. 2 questions:
1) when you say oil in your recipe, you mean Neem oil right?
2) What type of Neem oil, (pure, or in solution, concentrate or pre mix) and where do you get it?

I have been using neem (storebought) but needed to do it about every 4 days. It's horrible!
Last year I spray painted solo cups lemon yellow, coated them thickly with vaseline, and put them on 3 foot tall posts with a pushpin, which was my homemade yellow sticky trap, and it seemed to help alot, much less population of them than this past year when I didn't do it.Still did the Neem though.
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