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Old September 6, 2012   #14
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Glad to hear your stuff is doing really well, shellybean. My late zukes and cukes were pretty much a bust this year only giving a few fruits before the bugs and disease took them down. The last corn patch is looking good with pollination over and ears forming. Beets are about ready to pick/thin and the carrots and cilantro are finally taking off and looking happy. We're harvesting the late bush beans now that I planted in case the pole beans gave out- but they didn't so we're giving huge amounts away daily- DH can't bear to pull some plants and since he does the picking... The lettuce and spinach are getting munched down as fast as they grow by something that's wreaking havoc when I'm not around- just planted more yesterday in hopes of success. The brassica plants also have taken off despite heavy insect attack- have to spray more Bt if we're not getting hit with any more showers today. We're still getting lots of tomatoes and peppers and the butternuts are starting to look ready to harvest so I'm happy about that, too. We're getting a bigger apple harvest this year than ever before and they're really starting to drop- been making apple crisp and canning applesauce so far. Sweet potato vines are sprawling all over but I haven't peeked yet to see how they're coming along.
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