Thread: Fall beans
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Old September 2, 2012   #18
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Walla Walla, Washington
Posts: 360

Originally Posted by b54red View Post
I only got about 30% germination with my first planting in cups. I replanted today and used potting soil then covered the beans with about a half inch of Ultrasorb. Maybe so many of them won't rot this time. I still have enough to plant about 20 ft of row now but would like enough for 40 ft. Even with the replant I am only using a fraction of the number of beans I use when sowing directly into the garden.

I am using a French style been called Maxibel and the ones that came up early are nearly a foot tall now and it is way too early to set them out so the ones I replanted may actually work out better. If this works I will never plant directly in the garden again.
That makes two of us. It was too hot outside for anything to germinate, so I started two kinds of beans, zuchinni, and patty pan squash inside, then transplanted them ASAP, with a shade cloth cover over them for about a week. It worked so well that I started my fall seeds inside, too, and have since transplanted them into available spaces. No rotten seeds, and it used far less (sometimes expensive) seed.

I've already purchased several Deep-Root Seedstarting trays from Gardener's Supply, for next year.
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