Thread: Fall beans
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Old August 22, 2012   #4
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: California Central Valley
Posts: 2,540

Beans transplant well, at least young ones do. I haven't planted in the fall, but I grow all my beans in 6-packs. This year I started over 20 varieties on May 22 and planted them out on June 5-7 and June 15 -- some were slower. So it took 2-3 weeks for them to reach plant-out size. I shaded the ones in my first garden for the first week and they took off. I didn't bring my row cover/tulle to the second garden and those beans almost didn't make it by the time I got back there 2 days after planting. They're still not producing nearly as much as the ones at the first garden, but they're doing ok. So if it's possible to rig some row cover in the garden, you might try that with some of the beans.

The oldest ones were from a 2007 commercial pack. Several others were trades but were labeled with more recent dates. The only ones I had trouble germinating were some saved beans that were not dry enough when I put them in jars last fall.
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