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Old August 12, 2012   #18
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Indiana
Posts: 15

As some one who has tried growing beans indoors (during late fall and winter and failed-using natural light only), I will second what tjg911 says in that weak sun is more of a problem then cold. I am always able to get my beans to the bean setting stage indoors...but they are weak looking..thin steams and very small flower buds. The the lack of natural pollinators in my house results in almost no beans of course..I think the occasional house fly has pollinated a few

I live in southern Indiana and regularly plant my beans starting the end of the first week of April. I put a nice dense padding of old grass hay around the plants...and over them during the nights we get frost alerts. In the event of a hard frost, I will put a super dense layer of hay over the plants at night. The plants do fine as long as no moisture gets on the leaves. Moisture getting on the plants and freezing has been my enemy with early planted beans..not the soil or ambient temperatures.

Good luck and keep us posted with your results....I would love to find out that one could grow beans indoors and extend the season without resorting to a green house or grow lights

Back to the original topic: weird season for beans. The heat in s. Indiana (98-103 F and above for months) has caused sterility/bean setting issues...some bean varieties (greasies, cutshorts, & half runners) showing more issues than others (Rattlesnake seems to set until you get over 100F...then it depends...). Add in a severe drought and the beans you get often have tough leathery hulls..even when relatively young. Most of my beans seemed to age faster in that they got tough more quickly...and dried out. I was able to pull dried beans for seed almost a month earlier than normal since it was so dry.

The good news is that we finally got a break in the heat, so many of pole beans are now setting once again....and producing nice tender hulled beans.

Hope everyone gets a nice break from the heat...some rain...and lots of beans.
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