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Old August 8, 2012   #9
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 15


Thanks for all the info. I think I paid the $152 but it's for a large quantity considering dilution and I'm going to use it for my garden, my mothers, a couple neighbors and/or friends so it will work out long run. I just found a small premixed bottle they sell (that I didn't see before).

I mainly wanted to have it stocked for next year as a prevention. Would like to start getting away from Draconil though it obviously works.

Considering using Serenade and Actinovate as you are beginning next year- in which case I won't use the Oxidate.

So I'm thinking of finishing this year with the Oxidate and then starting next season with the Serenade and Actinovate.

Also, I had a much bigger problem last year but had success with planting Rye Grass as green manure to "clean the soil". I think this worked really well because I only started having a small problem last week (and I honestly didn't rotate).

Thanks again for thoughts.
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