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Old August 4, 2012   #9
Fatal_Franklin's Avatar
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Location: Michigan
Posts: 24

Something to consider....and I'm offering this as food for thought and not trying to rain on your idea....

I did a front yard thing based on the same idea.."people have yard sales...". The city zoning inspector shut me down quicker than I could blink.

A customer that would shop at a nursery that I worked at had the same idea...different town. They would come to the greenhouses at the end of the year sale time and buy anything that looked like it needed to be divided....then they would divide it and sell it on a long memorial weekend the following year. They were shut down by the state agricultural inspection people. They had not applied for and obtained the correct paperwork to certify as propagaters. They decided to obtain the correct liscence on a yearly basis, and now they do a $10,000.00 weekend just in plants.

Have fun and good luck...but know thine regulator!
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