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Old August 2, 2012   #15
Boutique Tomatoes
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Location: Northeast Wisconsin, Zone 5a
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Originally Posted by Granite26 View Post
So far my experience with blues is that a few of us tomato fanatics think they are cool....the public not so much. I had to give away most of my blue tomato plants as customers were not that interested and now the toms are not getting rave reviews.

Almost all of my 400 peppers burned up in the heat and lack of rain so not having a good year with them.

I like the truss idea for selling those tiny toms but like you is hard to get a full ripe truss.

Yep. Flavor is good but not great on some of the blues but they're not something that makes people go wow flavor wise. I'm having fun with showing them to people but I don't think I'll be planting 50+ plants of them next year. I will probably grow out some of the interesting selections I did find though and I did try my hand at a couple of crosses.

I did have a wild idea to try candying some Helsing ★★★★★★★★ Blues to see if they could be made into something different for a dessert garnish twist. They look so much like a dark cherry...

Definately an off year for peppers. I have grass in mine that is taller than the pepper plants because it got so depressing seeing the burned up plants I stopped weeding them. Now that it's been raining I need to go through them this weekend and see what is still alive.

The shattering varieties is an interesting idea. I could probably rig up a mechanical way to collect them if they survive the fall without splitting.
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