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Old July 30, 2012   #1
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Cincinnati
Posts: 907
Default Another Actinovate question

I ordered some Actinovate today to try as an experiment in my garden. My tomato and pepper plants were recently hit with bacterial spot (the tomato plants also had early blight prior to the bacterial spot outbreak).

I know Actinovate is most effective when used prior to the outbreak of disease. As I mentioned in the first paragraph, I am just going to experiment with it this year, and use it next year starting at the seedling stage. The tops of my tomato plants are still in pretty good shape, so I am hoping to control the bacterial spot so new plant growth will hopefully yield additional tomatoes.

Last Saturday, I sprayed my plants with a copper fungicide (which is recommended for bacterial spot). If there is any residue of the copper fungicide left on the plant, will this harm or kill the microbes when I spray with Actinovate?
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