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Old July 29, 2012   #4
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Gainesville, FL
Posts: 6

Originally Posted by carolyn137 View Post

Above is all the information you need b.c this guy has been selling these online almost forever and there have been many threads about his website. And he upped the price again last year, which is ridiculous since currant tomatoes are just a wonderful bag of seeds anyway, meaning he can process the tomatoes off one plant and have thousands up thousands of seeds/

The Spanish spread currant tomatoes (S. Pimpinellifolium) from Mexico along the Gulf Coast and into FL hundreds of years ago, and that's what this is, a simple currant tomato which can be found wild growing in ALL of those states, One doesn't speak of species varieties as heirlooms.

Yes, I know some folks who have grown it, and yes, like almost all currant varieties it is more tolerant of foliage diseases, but NOT systemic diseases and yes they all have great production, and yes, there are differences in tastes amongst some of them depending on whether it's Texas Wild, or one from MExico, etc.

Look at the price at the bottom and tell me if you really want to pay $8 for seeds when you can buy a pack of Red Currant seeds for much less.

If my post sounds a bit harsh it's b'c I hate to see folks online misrepresenting something and making money off that misrepresentation.
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