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Old July 25, 2012   #6
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brownville, Ne
Posts: 3,289

The tomatoes survived mostly because of the mulch layers. All the vine crops are burned to a crisp, green beans will not make it. Peppers looked pretty sad but I think they will pull through.

My last gardening column was on watering: proper techniques and timing. Now I am working on the next; when to give up because of extreme drought and high temperatures, how to recognize problems caused by adverse weather and when to attempt a fall crop to save some of the year. The working title is, "You've Got to Know When to Fold 'em."

We are getting a rain right now and the temperatures are dropping a little, so maybe the large number of green tomatoes will begin to turn.
there's two things money can't buy; true love and home grown tomatoes.
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