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Old July 19, 2012   #23
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: PNW
Posts: 4,743

I was really glad I clipped the sepals as Dice mentioned, otherwise I could easily have lost track of the crossed fruit.
I used to use plastic bread bag clips to mark the source variety
of the pollen, but they were a little tight. I would sometimes get
stems of the ripening fruit swelling into them, and because they
were kind of stiff, there was danger of damaging the stem to
the freshly trimmed bud trying to hang them on there.

I got some of these tags from Earthstar when I was ordering
something else anyway:

The hole is big enough not to cramp a mature flower cluster stem
on stocky tomato plants, and they are thin enough that they can be
easily opened up to slip around the stem of flower cluster. I mark
the variety name with a waterproof marker. (I save them at the
end of the season and reuse them, too. Just cross out the name
and write a new one under it or on the other side.)
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