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Old July 18, 2012   #43
Boutique Tomatoes
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Location: Northeast Wisconsin, Zone 5a
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Well, I couldn't wait until I'd photographed the other varieties I have good examples of today, two of the larger Blue Bayou fruits were ripe. At least I picked them today, they might have been even better with another day on the vine. As it is flavor was a solid 7 for me, these being the first examples and potentially being harvested early (still figuring that out with these dark varieties) I thought that was pretty good.

These are more of a small slicer; The only larger blue variety so far is Blue Fog, but I don't have any of those showing much expression of the blue.

There are two of the plants showing larger fruits and they are both in grow bags, so I am taking one of them and carefully transplanting it into the ground to see what kind of size they get to later in the year.

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