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Old September 10, 2006   #31
Join Date: May 2006
Location: SW Kansas
Posts: 339

PaPa Vic thanks for your reply and suggestions. I had decent results with some of my hybrids this year. Had I believe around 15 OP/heirlooms with poor results. Two of my five Cherokee Purples survived without getting disease and are doing good. The taste has steadily improved. The first one I may of picked a little early and was after we received some big rains and was tasteless. Picked five this morning and ate one in the garden. Very good. My best tasting so far was the first Brandy Boy I picked yesterday. I didn't transplant them till mid June and then with the heat they didn't set right off. They have impressed me. Along with Cherokee Purple and Caspian Pink will be back next year and possible Soldaki. They have really started setting on with the break in temperature. I have Super Sioux seeds for next year. May pick up Sioux also. Going to try a few an OP grower/producer here recommended. One of them is Adelia. So will try about 20 more OP's next year along with my hybrids. The Goliath's, Brandy Boy, Big Beef and Bonnies Original will all be back. This was my first year for Bonnies and by far the best and steadiest producer. The taste is ok and they are good for anything. Eating, salsa and canning.
I compiled my list of OP's from reading on the internet, Carolyn's book, some lists I saw of Craig's and suggestions I received from growers for this area. I will have several that is not on the internet much but were recommended is some cases by more than one. Also several of the members of this forum have graciously shared their seeds with me. So hopefully my results are better next year. Have several local growers wanting me to grow them some OP's to try and for that want something that is likely to suceed and still taste great. That is why I was seeking advice on what to grow. If they grow an OP and it fails they will be less likely to try again.
Yes I have had good results with questions to Burpee. I buy some seeds from them. I have bought most of my tomato seeds from Totally Tomatoes in the past. Had great service there. Also trying the local Kansas grower this year. Only place I found Adelia. And at least three of the other online vendors. If I have bad results will try a different vendor next year.
I really like Appalachian's site and the varieties they offer.
I like Sandhill Preservations varieties but want to order now and not after Jan. 1st. I might try to order before August next year.

Best of luck to you in your gardening and always appreciative of any advice. Thanks again. JD
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