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Old May 8, 2012   #12
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Originally Posted by linuxman51 View Post
Mine haven't died off, but they sure aren't raping and pillaging the landscape like the ones I grew last year.. leaves are all fairly small (look almost like the cantaloupe plants nearby), this time last year mine had leaves the size of dinner plates. Right now I'd be surprised if they're as big as a saucer.

but they haven't died either, so I dunno. they just dont look like they're thriving. the squash is killing it, a couple pepper plants are waay ahead of schedule. I dunno.
Well my second planting has now been in the ground for a week and they are growing like normal. I still have one from my original planting that is still alive and it is still growing slow with smaller than normal leaves. This is a really weird year because squash and cucumbers usually do good at the same time but not this year. My squash are doing great.

If you haven't tried it you might want to try Butter Stick hybrid from Burpee next year. It makes a large yellow zucchini like squash that tastes very much like a summer crookneck but is far more productive. The bush plants get huge but it only takes one squash to feed two people. I have totally quit growing crooknecks or straitnecks since finding this variety many years ago. It only takes a couple of plants for the wife and I and we end up giving away most of them because we can't keep up with them. I space the plants 6 feet apart and mulch them heavily and in a few weeks they will fill in the gaps between the plants if you can keep the borers away.
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