Thread: three sisters
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Old May 5, 2012   #8
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: California Central Valley
Posts: 2,540

I was thinking about trying this at a garden site where I don't plan to visit every day. It's more involved than I'd thought.

I've found at least 3 places that offer how-to advice that differs a little in the details. Basically you make foot-high mounds, flat on top, 18-24 in. wide, 4-5 ft. apart. Plant 4-6 corn first, 6 in. apart in the center of the mound. When it's 6 or 15 in. high (or after a week), plant beans either between the corn or 6 in. away. A week later, plant squash either on separate mounds or 12 in. from the beans.

Renee's Garden sells a packet with multicolor dent corn, Rattlesnake beans, and Sugar Pie pumpkin.
and also gives instructions. They recommend a minimum 10x10 ft. area with 7 corn-bean mounds and 8 squash mounds. (Google renee's three sisters to get the page with diagrams.) I grew Rattlesnake last year and loved it as a green bean, so I'd substitute a cranberry bean or other dry bean.

I wonder if this would work with popcorn? Last year I planted 3 seeds and was so delighted with the burgundy kernels that this year I have about 5 varieties (different colors) I'm eager to try. Sunchokes would be fun, too! Someone at the community garden grew a 10-12 ft. corn a couple years ago -- I have to find out what it was!
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