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Old May 2, 2012   #50
z_willus_d's Avatar
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Location: Eastern Suburb of Sacramento, CA
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Ah, the never-ending possibilities of effort we can go to for our tomato plants. I might as well spray down the whole hill side with bleach. Honestly, I'm starting to have a hard time keeping up with it all. I think it will get easier once I have the beds mulched and I feel comfortable making use of my "fancy" irrigation setup. Right now I'm watering everything by hand, and it takes time.

I'm also noticing a lot of blossoms that are going un-pollinated. I've had bees in the area like crazy, but I swear they're all forsaking my vines. They make a beeline for the large Lavender plants and ignore the veggies. So, I think it's time to get out the vibrating brush and get it on with the plants. Yet another chore. Ugh, yes this can be fun too.
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