Thread: Cold Treatment
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Old April 21, 2012   #5
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: MN Zone4b
Posts: 291

You could experiment with some of them if you don't mind losing them. I like to plant my early so that I can plant out large plants because I feel they bear earlier for me that way. I generally transplant them up to gallon pots or slightly smaller. However, I don't have room under lights for those, so that means that sometime or other, they're subjected to colder conditions than they like. They tend to sulk and wilt down as if they're melting. Bringing them indoors and watering them with lukewarm water helps most of them recover. I've not had any of them stunted afterward--they do fine.

That said, I agree that keeping them warm is a benefit. If you have room, pot them up to larger pots and keep them in the brightest light you can. If you have to put them outside, be sure to protect them from the cold wind.
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