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Old April 19, 2012   #12
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Rogue River Valley, OR
Posts: 17

Will that Ultrasonic gadget work on gophers or moles or voles or whatever the little digging monsters are? They dig and tunnel and make a mess of the ground. My dogs have managed to catch and kill a few of them.

For my main garden we put weed block fabric down and covered the entire 50'x50' area with 2" of pea gravel. The raised beds, 10 of them 16'x4' have 1/4" hardware mesh stapled to the bottoms. So far we have not been invaded in the garden area.

They have come up just outside the fence. 8' deer fence with 24" chicken wire around the bottom. I know it seems like way overkill, but watching a big buck and 2 does circle the garden, it's worth every cent!
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