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Old April 18, 2012   #1
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Brooksville FL, zone 9a
Posts: 67
Default help with flowers that attract bees!

I primarily grow veggies, and would like to try herbs. I've never grown flowers, so know nothing about growing them.

Mainly I want to grow them to attract bees to pollinate the stuff that requires insect pollination of blossoms to set fruit (squash melons etc.)

I'm basically looking for something that loves hot weather, because they'll be grown during summer, since that's when my squash melons etc. will be grown too.

Also I was told bees are attracted to certain colored flowers more than others? Is this true, or just a myth; if it's true, what colors do they seem to like?

Also something that is easy to grow from seed and can be transplanted easily would be preferred.
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