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Old April 9, 2012   #12
Boutique Tomatoes
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Location: Northeast Wisconsin, Zone 5a
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I normally don't fertilize anything until they've been potted up the second time for a week to 10 days, but I went ahead and gave these little babies a shot yesterday with a tiny dose of dilute fish emulsion with a couple of drops of seaweed extract in it. They're so tiny I don't want to try moving them at this point, I doubt they're 1/2" tall after having been up for more than a week.

I think this is the only down side to the dense planting method, in this case I'm reluctant to pull the good seedlings out and pot them up for fear of damaging the runts roots too much. But it's quickly going to become a problem as the more robust ones are putting out their first set of true leaves and will quickly overshadow the little guys if I don't move them.

I have hope though!
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