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Old April 1, 2012   #15
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Brooksville FL, zone 9a
Posts: 67

Thank you to all for suggestions and who have taken time to post on thread. Unfortunately (sorry if this rude, not my intent) some questions I asked weren't answered.

A wooden trellis would be being used; would it be strong enough to bare the weight of fruit? This is total weight of fruit per plant.

If squash plant is positioned w/trellis correctly do you still have to train the vines, or will it climb up the trellis itself? If you need to train vines, how? I don't know, as I've never done this before.

Do all melon varieties slip from vine? Don't know, as have never grown melons before.

Was told you need to anchor trellis to support it; there are no trees, fences, etc. to attach the trellis to as support.

Could I anchor trellis legs into soil; will be using soil mix which is more loose than regular dirt. Will I still be able to anchor legs into soil? If trellis is anchored into soil, how deep?

W/trellis where does the squash plant go with it? Under trellis? I don't know where to put squash plant, as have never used trellis before.

Was told to tie vines to trellis; is this just the vines that have fruit? Is it only necessary for fruit that is heavy w/weight or would you have to do so w/smaller fruited varieties too? Mainly asking about larger fruited cantaloupes (5+ lbs. each), watermelons (8-15 lbs. each), and pie pumpkins (7-10 lbs. each)
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