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Old March 18, 2012   #123
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Laurinburg, North Carolina, zone 7
Posts: 3,207

It was 41 here this afternoon with a windchill of 38. I held off planting the last half of my tomatoes this weekend and brought the seedlings inside. I feel like they're never going to get planted! It's supposed to be a low of 38 tomorrow night.
If anybody needs tomato seedlings, I have lots of extras, I posted my list on another thread but can post them here or you can PM me.
Got a rose and hibiscus planted today, then got rained out. Oh well, restarted some sweet scotch bonnets and aji dulce seeds since I only had a few come up from the first planting. I'm determined to get a bunch of sweet Caribbean seasoning type peppers to try this year. I love the flavor of habaneros and scotch bonnets but can never use enough of them because of the heat.
These c.chinoise varieties seem to be a bear to germinate, even with a heat pad. My best success has been placing them outside in direct sunlight and letting the heat cook them. That seems to get them sprouting.
I had great luck, though with my chiltepans, which I'm excited about, since they're native to the Sonoran desert.
Also have plenty of purple tomatillos (which I've never grown) and a couple of new to me varieties of eggplants. ( ping Tung long and LA green) eggplants and tomatillos are doing great and need to be repotted.
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