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Old March 14, 2012   #22
z_willus_d's Avatar
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Ray, I'm not sure you clearly answered Riceloft's question. At least, it's not obvious to me. I'll say when I was mixing up the 3:2:1 ratios for my InnTainers this past year, I fluffed the SS#4 (crumbled it up) before measuring off the portions. I was adding the various components one 6" pot full at a time. It's hard to measure the SS#4 in its solid, compressed form. Are you saying that you actually just chuck-in chunks of uncompressed SS#4 when measuring off your ratios for the mix?

I guess what I'm trying to understand is whether I may have under supplied the SS#4 portion of the mix because I am throwing in uncompressed portions rather than compressed.

BTW, I didn't get the impression my mix lacked for water wick capabilities (or was drying up for lack of peat). I believe while the mix does compress some after wetting, it's not compressed to the same level as when it comes out of the bale dry. That's not a statement backed by scientific experiementation, just my impression working with the stuff.

Thanks for clarifying.
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