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Old March 11, 2012   #13
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Location: Maryland's Eastern Shore
Posts: 993

Sounds like you have it figured out. I suspect you are spot on about the sawdust. I know the same thing will happen if too much water accumulates/the manure is too wet. My father would muck out the stall of one of my great uncle's milk cows. Bedding was straw and a little waste hay. That stuff was probably a third straw and was active and producing heat when it went in.

I once set up a cold frame with a heater cable. I only got to use it for a few years before I moved but it worked pretty well.

??? Are you feeling daring ??? You could grow out one of those volunteer tomatoes to see what you get?


"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure."
Thomas Jefferson, 1787
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