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Old March 9, 2012   #48
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The (sad) irony is that it wasn't the poor folks doing the shipping that caused the problem - - it was the person responsible for creating the listing page on their website who screwed up. The listing should have clearly said "1 case quantity of 12 bags".

Instead, in one place on the listing page it says "5 pound bag", and on another portion of the listing page it states a "6.5 pound bag". Why this total confusion is attributable to the Shipping Department is beyond my comprehension.

Internet companies like this work on a fraction of a percent profit - - so any time they then need to do double shipments at their expense - it costs them any profit they were expecting to make on the transaction. I am sure they are on an IPO track at some point -and like who were shipping 50 pound bags of dog food for free back in the Internet "boom/bust" days of 2000, you would have thought companies by now have figured out that errors like this are costly.

Anyway, now that it is straightened out, lets see the next time any of us at TV order their Lime, if they've fixed the problem - - or again blame it on the poor sob in the Shipping Department.

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