Thread: Decision Time
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Old August 20, 2006   #5
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: San Jose, CA
Posts: 35

I will be planting 8 week transplants, I had other choices but these were the only ones that really appealled to me. Yes, it is true that sometimes it can get cold in november, but where I am it rarely gets into the 40's at night during November, and we generally only get about two really good frosts, and some years we don't get any, especially during an El Nino, when are only danger is that of flooding.

The other reason to keep the plants to a minimum is that since I grow them on flat panels of CRM it is easy to insulate them if it does get cold. I am contemplating putting one of them in a container and growing it in the greenhouse, but I'm not really a fan of growing tomatoes ina container because then it means I really have to remember it, I'm surprised that I'm remembering the basil I planted in containers, but that's probably only because I put the planter next to the tomato plot and everytime I sit with my laptop in garden (which is everyday) I can't help but look at it.

Mariannas Peace was a longshot, and I knew that, but I figured I would put it on the list knowing that I had a built in cull. So right now it seems it may just be Anna Russian and Enormous Plum, which doesn't seem so bad considering I have my other two already started and that brings the total to four, but I think I'm going to throw in Carmello, just because the person I'm getting them from is having success with them this summer and I've never grown a french tomato before. I almost planted it this summer, but I had to many others I wanted, but seeing as I took out three plants today, I wish I had gone with my first impression.

We'll see what happens this fall and winter, I may have success or I may not, but either way, this is just a bonus, I'll be happy with whatever happens, unlike during summer when I expect results and get disappointed easily.

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate all of the help I have received on this board.

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