Thread: Gigandes Beans
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Old February 25, 2012   #51
Jeannine Anne
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No, I have grown these beans for many years and worked out mine in much larger numbers than 10. They are nice and healthy looking though and much nicer than the ones I get in the Greek deli here, the 9 biggest are bigger than any of my other whites I currently have including the probably 10 or twelve packets I have from various places marked Gigandes.

The thing with the Kastoria ones is that they HAVE to be that size to carry the name, it is a legal thing, and that is where I got my originals from so although these look super there are bigger ones out the search goes on.

I have quite a decent sized collection of runner beans, probably 10 or so white varieties and many other colours including black, it has been a bit if a passion for 20 or so years.

I find them lovely to grow and the flavour of most of them is good.

The gigandes/gigantes, elephant or otherwise have a very thin skin compared to most so they cook beautifully.

I still have Just one bean left from my last lot saved, the others, the last three, did not germinate last year, hence the search, and I saved this ,well, just cos I did I guess,I am tempted to sow it but then I don't have one left for comparison.

You will enjoy them very much though, they are really good beans, I was quite impressed when they arrived as the condition is great, and I would not hesitate to say to others who are considering them to go ahead and buy them.

George is looking into finding me some Elephantes so hope is still there.

Bear in mind you won't find seeds marked as Gigantes as they are not allowed to use that name due to it's protected status, but there are a great many types of runner beans and they become an obsessive hobby..

XX Jeannine
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