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Old February 25, 2012   #22
Petronius_II's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Albuquerque, NM - Zone 7a
Posts: 209

Yep, you do. It smells purrrdy, too. Smells just like garlic.

I want to get these plants into some pots and/or the ground as soon as I can make the time. First thing I did when I finished unpacking them was put them with just enough water to cover the roots and most of the bulbs:

The laundry room is a north-facing unheated porch that gets very little direct sunlight, lots of ambient light, and is very cool this time of year. It's now ~20 hours later and I just checked the garlic plants. The roots have taken up some of the water and the leaves are a little bit less floppy, but they're still pretty floppy.

Saltmarsh, if I may ask, how much of the floppiness is just the way they're supposed to be at this stage of growth?

The current plan is, until I can get them properly planted, change the water at least once a day to avoid root rot as best I can, and try to keep the water level low enough that sooner or later, it's covering only the roots, not the bulbs. Does this plan sound workable, anybody?

(After taking the photos, I moved the pots away from the washing machine a few feet. Don't much want the garlic smell drifting directly downward into the washing machine tub. Some folks might like it if my clothes all smelled of garlic; not sure I would!)
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