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Old February 25, 2012   #21
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Location: 2 miles south of Yoknapatawpha Zone 7b
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Petronius II

You may have noticed all of the garlic I sent was in soil 4 - 6 inches deep. After thinking about it and looking at the pattern of the clusters, I think the garlic has had some help in naturalizing.

I don't have any proof, but I think the garlic's seed pods are being eaten by voles and field mice. The voles and field mice like to use old mole runs for safety. My cats catch one or two voles and mice each day and there are feral cats about also.

So when the occasional garlic seed gets stored in a mole run, and then the storer gets eaten by a cat, the garlic naturalizes. None of the garlic is growing on top of the ground, all of it is deep like that sent to you.

Another way it naturalizes from one part of the country to another is via USPS.

At any rate, it looks like I have an endless supply of fresh garlic. Claud
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