Thread: Tomato Profits
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Old February 20, 2012   #41
Petronius_II's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Albuquerque, NM - Zone 7a
Posts: 209

I would love to have a large city near me where I could try to build a market by dropping off boxes of peppers like the Caribbean seasoning varieties with local chefs.
If you can plan to have peppers ready to use during the height of the tourist season... Geez, it's been a very long time since I last set foot in Vilas County, St. Germain to be specific. I don't have that much idea what NE Wisconsin is like these days, just that the resort we used to go to is apparently still going stronger than ever. We never went out to restaurants, though, bought groceries only to supplement the fish we caught ourselves. Still, I'd think there must be some pretty nice restaurants in, say, Eagle River, Rhinelander. Are there any decent farmer's markets in towns like those?

We never went to John Dillinger's hideout, the restaurant at Little Bohemia, either, but who knows what kind of stuff the cook might be willing to put on the menu. Arming yourself with plenty of recipes you've tested yourself is an obvious tactic, especially with spicy-but-not-too-much peppers. So useful in so many ways that the average person wouldn't necessarily think of. I can't imagine that bluegill, sunfish, muskie wouldn't go well with some of your peppers.

...All of which is just my rambling way of saying, when the going gets tough, the tough get creative. When it gets a little less tough, they get even more creative. You sound like a pretty creative guy to me.
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