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Old February 18, 2012   #25
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Whidbey Island, WA Zone 7, Sunset 5
Posts: 931

Last year was my first year with a large garden here, and the plan I made totally went to h*ll in a hand basket when spring went into July. I ended up planting my beans near my baby blueberry plants because the peas didn't even start until the end of June, then went through September. I'm starting them earlier this year, under cover, and hoping to get a second pea crop started in August.

I'm planning another bed altogether for the beans. I was surprised how well they did, even though it wasn't hot. Once the beans died down, I planted beets there. the bunnies got most of them before I netted them, but I will have beets in the spring because they're already growing. This is the craziest weather to plan for, so I've given up. I just go out with some seeds, look at what looks like it's done, and count how many weeks I need, and have. No paper plan can keep up with the uncertainty. 'Go with the flow' is my mantra in the garden this year.
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